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Robust dynamic control for electric vehicles with estimation of parametric uncertainties and external disturbances
Cuauhtémoc Acosta Lúa, Stefano Di Gennaro, Ariadna Berenice Flores Jiménez, Antonio Navarrete Guzmán.
IEEE Access (2024) 1-1.
Extraction of Soluble Phenols and Flavonoids from Native Mexican Pigmented Corn Kernel Powder by Ultrasound: Optimization Process Using Response Surface Methodology
Salvador Hernández-Estrada, Luis Miguel Anaya-Esparza, Sughey González-Torres, Luis Alfonso Hernández-Villaseñor, Víctor Manuel Gómez-Rodríguez, Humberto Ramírez-Vega, Zuamí Villagrán, José Martín Ruvalcaba-Gómez, Noé Rodríguez-Barajas, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Applied Sciences (2024) 14(17) 7869.
Coupling Low-Frequency Ultrasound to a Crossflow Microfiltration Pilot: Effect of Ultrasonic Pulse Application on Sono-Microfiltration of Jackfruit Juice
Herenia Adilene Miramontes-Escobar, Nicolas Hengl, Manuel Dornier, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Nawel Achir, Fabrice Vaillant, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto.
Membranes (2024) 14(9).
In Vitro and In Silico Anticyclooxygenase and Antitopoisomerase Activity of Anonna cherimola Ent-Kaurenes
Carlos Eduardo Camacho-González, Alejandro Pérez-Larios, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Jasmín Salazar-Mendoza, Jorge A. Sánchez-Burgos.
Separations (2024) 11(9) 263.
Jackfruit Genotypes in Southern Nayarit: A Comparative Study of Morphological, Physiological, Physicochemical, Phytochemical, and Molecular Assessments
David Antonio Morelos-Flores, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Amalio Santacruz-Varela, Víctor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Guillermo Berumen-Varela, María de Lourdes García-Magaña.
Horticulturae (2024) 10(9) 918.
Cu2O Nanoparticles as Nanocarriers and Its Antibacterial Efficacy
María Isabel Torres-Ramos, Ubaldo de Jesús Martín-Camacho, Jorge Alberto Sanchez-Burgos, Suresh Ghotekar, Oscar Arturo González-Vargas, Mamoun Fallah, Alejandro Pérez-Larios.
Pharmaceuticals (2024) 17(9) 1124.
Conservación fisicoquímica de arándanos tratados con quitosano y ácido salicílico en poscosecha
Surelys Ramos-Bell, Gerónimo Diaz-Cayetano, Luis Guillermo Hernández-Montiel, Rita María Velázquez-Estrada, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas (2024) 15(5) e3391.
Encapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium longum Using Whey Protein Concentrate and Fructans as Wall Materials: Properties, Stability, and Viability in Simulated Gastrointestinal Tests
Naida Juárez-Trujillo, Audry Peredo-Lovillo, Fidel Martínez-Gutiérrez, Beatriz Pérez-Armendáriz, Rosa I. Ortiz-Basurto, Maribel Jiménez-Fernández.
ACS Food Science & Technology (2024) 4(8).
In Vivo Glycemic Response of Fruit-Based Mango (Mangifera indica) and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Bars in In Vitro and In Silico Enzyme Inhibitory Effects Studies
Yolanda E. Pérez-Beltrán, Abraham Wall-Medrano, Montserrat A. Valencia Estrada, Jorge A. Sánchez-Burgos, Francisco Javier Blancas-Benítez, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Foods (2024) 13(14) 2258.
Jackfruit Leaf Protein Hydrolysates Obtained by Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Leaf Protein Concentrate with Pepsin and Pancreatin: Molecular Weight, Cytotoxicity, Antiproliferative Activity, and Oxidative Stress
Carolina Calderón-Chiu, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Armando Ordaz-Hernández, Mayra Herrera-Martínez.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2024) 79 685-692.
Chitosan and GRAS Substances: An Alternative for the Control of Neofusicoccum parvum In Vitro, Elicitor and Maintenance of the Postharvest Quality of Avocado Fruits
Juan Antonio Herrera-González, Surelys Ramos-Bell, Silvia Bautista-Baños, Rita María Velázquez-Estrada, Edson Rayón-Díaz, Estefania Martínez-Batista, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Horticulturae (2024) 10(7) 687.
Texture profile analysis of heat-processed tender jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) and its potential use as a meat analog
José de Jesús González-Regalado, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Herenia Adilene Miramontes-Escobar, Herenia Adilene Miramontes-Escobar, Maribel Jiménez-Fernández, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2024) (36) 1-11.
Fibers with Polyisoprenes from Jackfruit Latex (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) by Electrohydrodynamic Processes: Fabrication and Characterization
Ceballos Vázquez, Dania Marlene, Calderón Santoyo, Montserrat, González Cruz, Elda Margarita, Prieto López, Cristina, Lagarón Cabello, José María, Ragazzo Sánchez, Juan Arturo.
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (2024) 24(4) 57.
Field testing of a newly formulated product based on Meyerozyma guilliermondii LMA-Cp01 to manage anthracnose in mango fruit
Lopez-Cruz, R., Ragazzo-Sánchez, J.A., Calderón-Santoyo, M..
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2024) .
Mexican Coccoloba uvifera L. Leaf and Fruit Extracts: Identification of Pentacyclic Triterpenes and Volatile Profile by GC-MS
Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Carolina Calderón-Chiu, Frida Zoé Ragazzo-Calderón, Julio Cesar Barros-Castillo, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2024) 79 571-577.
Physicochemical Characterization, Bioactive Compounds, and Antioxidant Capacity from Stenocereus queretaroensis: Mexican Endemic Fruits with High Potential Functionality
Alma Delia Noriega-Juárez, Yolanda Nolasco-González, Jesús Vázquez-Mora, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Horticulturae (2024) 10(5) 451.
Natural Compounds and Derivates: Alternative Treatments to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses in Fruits
Edson Rayón-Díaz, Luis G. Hernández-Montiel, Jorge A. Sánchez-Burgos, Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
AgriEngineering (2024) 6(2) 1022-1042.
Application of nanofibers with jackfruit leaf extract via electrospinning to control phytopathogens in Averrhoa carambola L
Ayón-Macías, K.D., Castañeda-Andrade, A.J., Ragazzo-Sánchez J.A., Calderón-Santoyo, M..
Polymer Bulletin (2024) 81 2601-2626.
Applications of vacuum impregnation as a technology to incorporate functional components in vegetal matrices
Alba Cecilia Durán-Castañeda, Saúl González-Moya, Jorge Alberto Sánchez-Burgos, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi, Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga.
Food Chemistry Advances (2024) 4 100579.
Bioactive peptides from marine processing waste and shellfish: A review
Rodríguez-Jiménez, J. M. J., Anaya-Esparza, L. M., Martínez-Montaño, E., Montalvo-González, E., García-Magaña, M. L..
International Food Research Journal (2024) 31(3) 530-550.
Characterization and antioxidant capacity of phenolic compounds of jackfruit genotypes from Nayarit, Mexico
David Antonio Morelos-Flores, Ramiro Leonel Anzaldo-Mendiola, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Víctor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Amalio Santacruz-Varela, María de Lourdes García-Magaña.
Food Chemistry Advances (2024) 3 100470.
Jackfruit in Mexico: Characterization of four genotypes from the south of Nayarit
D.A. Morelos-Flores, A.M. Chacón-López, A. Santacruz-Varela, V.M. Zamora-Gasga, E. Montalvo-González, L.M. Hernández-Fuentes, M. de L. García-Magaña.
Fruits (2024) 79(2) 1-9.
Annonaceae acetogenins: A potential treatment for gynecological and breast cancer
Diego A. Bravo-Alfaro, Efigenia Montalvo-González, J. Martin Zapien-Macias, Jessica M. Sampieri-Moran, Hugo S. García, Gabriel Luna-Bárcenas.
Fitoterapia (2024) 178 106187.
Development of antifungal electrospun nanofiber mats containing Meyerozyma caribbica
Yuliana Vázquez-González, Cristina Prieto, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, José M. Lagarón.
Food Hydrocolloids (2024) 147.
Chapter 9 - Green synthesis of nanomaterials and their applications in sustainable agriculture
Beatriz Montaño-Leyva, Jonathan M. Sanchez-Silva, Luis G. Hernández-Montiel, Paloma P. Casas-Junco, Tomás Rivas-García, Jesús E. Reyna-Ochoa, Francisco J. Blancas-Benitez, Cristina Moreno-Hernández, Ulises M. López-García, Ulises M. López-García, Ana Y. Flores-Ramírez, Ramsés R. González-Estrada.
Sustainable Agricultural Practices (2024) 185-208.
Antibacterial activity of electrolyzed water on Pseudomonas syringae and Clavibactermichiganensis and its effect on seed germination
Lilia Mexicano Santoyo, Tarsicio Medina Saavedra, Mariano Mendoza Elos, Ulises Miguel López-García, Martina Alejandra Chacón López, Talina Olivia Martínez Martínez.
Ciencia Rural (2024) 54(1).
Analyzing the gut microbiota and microbial-associated metabolites of tomato-based sauces
Alicia Paulina Cárdenas-Castro, Mônica Maurer Sost, Wilbert Gutiérrez-Sarmiento, Víctor Manuel Ruíz-Valdiviezo, Raquel Mateos-Briz, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago Ayerdi, Koen Venema.
Food Chemistry (2024) 460(3) 140664.
Detection of foodborne pathogens in contaminated food using nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensors
Ana Yareli Flores-Ramírez, Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Alejandra Álvarez-López, Aarón Rodríguez-López, Ulises Miguel López-García.
Analytical Biochemistry (2024) 693 115600.
In Vivo Glycemic Response of Fruit-Based Mango (Mangifera indica) and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Bars in In Vitro and In Silico Enzyme Inhibitory Effects Studies
Abraham, W. M., Pérez-Beltrán, Y.E., Valencia-Estrada, M.A., Sánchez-Burgos, J.A., Blancas-Benítez, F. J., Tovar, J., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G..
Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas (2024) .
Effect of Pediococcus acidilactici and mango seed polyphenols on the fermentative profile of the indigestible fraction of yam bean
Alba Cecilia Durán-Castañeda, Adela Yolanda Bueno-Durán, Manuel Iván Girón-Pérez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Jorge Alberto Sánchez-Burgos, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi, Víctor Manuel Zamora-Gasga.
Food Research International (2024) 178 113970.
Field and postharvest application of microencapsulated Yamadazyma mexicana LPa14: anthracnose control and effect on postharvest quality in avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass)
Katia Nayeli González-Gutiérrez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
2024-02-28 (2024) 80(7) 3459-3469.
Bioformulation of Yamadazyma mexicana LPa14 by electrospraying process: Anthracnose control and effect on postharvest quality of avocado fruit
Katia Nayeli González-Gutiérrez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Biological Control (2024) 190.
Active films and coatings based on commercial chitosan with natural extracts addition from coconut by-products: Physicochemical characterization and antifungal protection on tomato fruits
Paola Montes-Ramírez, Beatriz Montaño-Leyva, Francisco J. Blancas-Benítez, Pedro U. Bautista-Rosales, Nancy D. Ruelas-Hernández, Karla Martínez-Robinson, Ramsés R. González-Estrada.
Food Control (2024) 155 110077.
Polyethylene glycol/soy lecithin-nanosuspensions as carriers of acetogenins: Optimization, characterization, antibacterial and hemolytic activity
Efigenia Montalvo-González, Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, Brandon A. López-Romero, Adalberto Zamudio-Ojeda, Héctor Pérez-Ladrón de Guevara, Inkar Castellanos-Huerta, Alejandro Pérez-Larios, Gabriela Aguilar-Hernández.
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology (2024) 91 105228.
Ultrasound assisted extraction of polyphenols from Randia monantha: Optimization, characterization and antifungal activity
Doane Santalucia Vilchis-Gómez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Julio Cesar Barros-Castillo, Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Industrial Crops and Products (2024) 209 117932.
In vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of chitosan and identification of potentially toxigenic fungi in stored maize of Nayarit, Mexico
E. Martínez-Batista, C. A. González-Arias, R. M. Velázquez-Estrada, J. A. Herrera-González, P. Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química (2024) 34(3) Bio24223.
Comparison of individual quick freezing and traditional slow freezing on physicochemical, nutritional and antioxidant changes of four mango varieties harvested in two ripening stages
Alma D. Noriega-Juárez, José D. Rubio-Carrillo, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Gustavo A. González-Aguilar, Libier Meza-Espinoza, Martina A. Chacón-López, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Jorge A. Osuna-García, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Food Chemistry Advances (2024) 4 100590.
Transcriptomic data exploring the effect of agave fructans on the induction of the defense system in avocado fruit
Esther Angélica Cuéllar-Torres, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Ulises Miguel López-García, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Oñate, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Julio Vega-Arreguín, Alejandra Chacón-López.
PLoS ONE (2023) 18(10) e0293396.
A Nutrigenetic Strategy for Reducing Blood Lipids and Low-Grade Inflammation in Adults with Obesity and Overweight
Yolanda E. Pérez-Beltrán, Karina González-Becerra, Ingrid Rivera-Iñiguez, Erika Martínez-López, Omar Ramos-Lopez, Mildreth Alcaraz-Mejía, Roberto Rodríguez-Echevarría, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Edgar J. Mendivil.
Nutrients (2023) 15(20) 4324.
Harnessing emerging technologies to obtain biopolymer from agro-waste: application into the food industry
Maricarmen Iñiguez-Moreno, Maricarmen Iñiguez-Moreno, Gabriel Ascanio, Frida Zoé Ragazzo-Calderón, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2023) .
Lauroylated, Acetylated, and Succinylated Agave tequilana Fructans Fractions: Structural Characterization, Prebiotic, Antibacterial Activity and Their Effect on Lactobacillus paracasei under Gastrointestinal Conditions
Dafne I. Díaz-Ramos, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Oscar García-Barradas, Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Luz A. Pascual-Pineda, Uri Valenzuela-Vazquez, Maribel Jiménez-Fernández.
Polymers (2023) 15(14) 3115.
Induced Defense in Avocado Fruits Mediated by Secondary Metabolites Produced by Bacillus atrophaeus B5
Miriam del Carmen Bañuelos-González, Esther Angélica Cuéllar-Torres, Ulises Miguel López-García, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Alejandra Chacón-López.
Horticulturae (2023) 9(6) 714.
Study of the rheological and physicochemical properties of fructan fractions of Agave tequilana cv. cenizo
Pamela Isabel Aldrete-Herrera, Mercedes Guadalupe López, Luis Isaacs Ceja-Medina, Luis Medina-Torres, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto.
Agrociencia (2023) 57(4).
Guamara and Cocuixtle: Source of Proteases for the Transformation of Shrimp By-Products into Hydrolysates with Potential Application
Juan Miguel de Jesús Rodríguez-Jiménez, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Ulises Miguel López-García, Julio Cesar Barros-Castillo, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, María de Lourdes García-Magaña.
Biology (2023) 12(5) 753.
Changes in the firmness and other quality parameters of fresh-cut ‘Maradol’ papaya treated with additives and 1-methylcyclopropene
Martina Alejandra Chacón-López, Flor Asalia Carrilo-Rodriguez, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Elhadi M. Yahia, Libier Meza-Espinoza.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2023) 35(7) 631-641.
Molecular Aspects Revealed by Omics Technologies Related to the Defense System Activation in Fruits in Response to Elicitors: A Review
Esther Angélica Cuéllar-Torres, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Oñate, Ulises Miguel López-García, Julio Vega-Arreguín, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Alejandra Chacón-López.
Horticulturae (2023) 9(5) 558.
Feeding Habits, Nutritional Condition, Fecal Intestinal Metabolites, and Risk of Developing Diabetes Mellitus II in the Mexican Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
García-Martínez, D.L., Alarcón-Domínguez, E.E., Velasco-González, L.E., García-Magaña, M.D.L., Sánchez-Burgos, J.A., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G., Zamora-Gasga, V.M..
ACS Food Science and Technology (2023) 3(4) 658-665.
Vacuum Impregnation of Polyphenols in Yam Bean: Effect on Sensory Acceptability, Antioxidant Capacity, and Potential Absorption Ability
Saúl González-Moya, Alba Cecilia Durán-Castañeda, Rita María Velázquez Estrada, Jorge Alberto Sánchez-Burgos, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi, Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga.
ACS Food Science & Technology (2023) 3(7).
In Vitro Study on the Effect of the Appropriate Encapsulating Agent for the Release of Phenolic Compounds from Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn Extracts
Navidad-Murrieta, M.S., López-Muñoz, H.A., Torres, L.M., Higuera-Ciapara, I., Vázquez-Lepe, M., García-Rivas, J.L., García-Gaitán, B., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G., Luna-Bárcenas, G.
ACS Food Science and Technology (2023) 3(4) 608-615.
Application of bioactive chitosan-based coatings with marine antagonists to control postharvest Persian lime decay caused by Penicillium italicum
Laura M. Medrano-Castellón, Francisco J. Blancas-Benitez, Miguel Antonio Santoyo-González, Ángel Fonseca-Cantabrana, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Beatriz Montaño-Leyva, Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada.
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2023) 33(3) 283-295.
Effect of thermosonication on bioactive compounds, enzymatic and microbiological inactivation in nectar with strawberry by-products
Dalia M. Sotelo-Lara, Genaro G. Amador-Espejo, Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Rita M. Velázquez-Estrada.
Journal of Food Science and Technology (2023) 60 1580-1589.
‘Ataulfo’ mango (Mangifera indica) bars mitigate colon inflammation and modulate intestinal microbiota in DSS-induced colitis in a mouse model
Wilbert Gutiérrez-Sarmiento, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi, José del Carmen Rejón-Orantes, Betsy Anaid Peña-Ocaña, Juan Carlos Gallardo-Pérez, Alicia Paulina Cárdenas-Castro, Víctor Manuel Ruíz-Valdiviezo.
Food Bioscience (2023) 56 103433.
Structural, thermal, and functional properties of Agave tequilana fructan fractions modified by acylation
D.I. Díaz-Ramos, M. Jiménez-Fernández, O. García-Barradas, M.A. Chacón-López, E. Montalvo-González, U.M. López-García, C.I. Beristain-Guevara, R.I. Ortiz-Basurto.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química (2023) 22(3).
Bioavailability of bioactive compounds in Hibiscus sabdariffa beverage as a potential anti-inflammatory
Alejandro Arce-Reynoso, Raquel Mateos, Edgar J. Mendivil, Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, S.G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Food Research International (2023) 174(1) 113581.
A Lyapunov Stability Analysis of Modified HOSM Controllers Using a PID-Sliding Surface Applied to an ABS Laboratory Setup
Christopher Javier García Torres, Luis Adrián Ferré Covantes, Claudia Carolina Vaca García, Juan Carlos Estrada Gutiérrez, Antonio Navarrete Guzmán, Cuauhtémoc Acosta Lúa.
Applied Sciences (2022) 12(8) 3796.
A Modified HOSM Controller Applied to an ABS Laboratory Setup with Adaptive Parameter
Claudia Carolina Vaca García, Luis Adrián Ferré Covantes, Antonio Navarrete Guzmán, Claudia Verónica Vera Vaca, Cuauhtémoc Acosta Lúa.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2021) 2021 12 pages.
Optimal thermoultrasound processing of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) nectar: Physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant properties, microbial quality, and fatty acid profile comparison with pasteurized nectar
Nelly del Socorro Cruz-Cansino, José Alberto Ariza-Ortega, Ernesto Alanís-García, Esther Ramírez-Moreno, Rita María Velázquez-Estrada, Quinatzin Yadira Zafra-Rojas, Alicia Cervantes-Elizarrarás, Ángela Suárez-Jacobo, Luis Delgado-Olivares.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2021) 45(2) e15029.
Evaluation of Mycobacterium smegmatis as indicator of the efficacy of high hydrostatic pressure and ultra-high pressure homogenization treatments for pasteurization-like purposes in milk
Rita M. Velázquez-Estrada, Tomás J. López-Pedemonte, María Manuela Hernández-Herrero, Artur Xavier Roig-Sagués.
Journal of Dairy Research (2020) 87(1) 94-102.
Thermosonication parameter effects on physicochemical changes, microbial and enzymatic inactivation of fruit smoothie
G. G. Amador-Espejo, J. Chávez-Ocegueda, N. Cruz-Cansino, A. Suárez-Jacobo, P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, D. Valencia-Flores, R. Velázquez Estrada.
Journal of Food Science and Technology (2020) 57 1680-1688.
Optimization of β-Carotene from 'Ataulfo' mango (Mangifera indica l.) by-products using ultrasound-assisted extraction
G Mercado-Mercado, E Montalvo-González, JA Sánchez-Burgos, RM Velázquez-Estrada, E Álvarez-Parrilla, GA González-Aguilar, SG Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química (2019) 18(3) 1051-1061.
Sauces: An undiscovered healthy complement in Mexican cuisine
Alicia Paulina Cárdenas-Castro, Guadalupe del Carmen Perales-Vázquez, Laura A. De la Rosa, Víctor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Víctor Manuel Ruiz-Valdiviezo, Emilio Alvarez-Parrilla, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi.
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science (2019) 17.
Evaluation of nutritional characteristics and bioactive compounds of soursop-yoghurt and soursop-frozen dessert
Lucila J. Virgen-Ceceña, Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, Ana V. Coria-Téllez, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Hugo S. García-Galindo, Elhadi M. Yahia, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2019) 1-11.
Use of native agave fructans as stabilizers on physicochemical properties of spray-dried pineapple juice
Darvin Ervey Jimenez-Sánchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Erasmo Herman-Lara, Cristina Gaston-Peña, Cristina Gaston-Peña, Guadalupe Luna-Solano, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Drying Technology (2019) .
Synthesis of chitosan biocomposites loaded with pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid and assessment of their antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger
Alma Carolina Gálvez-Iriqui, Mario Onofre Cortez-Rocha, Armando Burgos-Hernández, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Waldo Manuel Argüelles-Monal, Maribel Plascencia-Jatomea.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2019) 103(7) 2985-3000.
Influence of ultra-high pressure homogenisation on physicochemical and sensorial properties of orange juice in comparison with conventional thermal processing
Rita-María Velázquez-Estrada, María-Manuela Hernández-Herrero, Buenaventura Guamis-López, Artur-Xavier Roig-Saguès.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2019) 54(5) 1858-1864.
Influence of ultra‐high pressure homogenisation on physicochemical and sensorial properties of orange juice in comparison with conventional thermal processing
Rita-María Velázquez-Estrada, María-Manuela Hernández-Herrero, Buenaventura Guamis-López, Artur-Xavier Roig-Saguès.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2019) 54(5) 1858-1864.
Activation of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway reveals a novel action mechanism of the elicitor effect of chitosan on avocado fruit epicarp
Luis-Ángel Xoca-Orozco, Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Julio Vega-Arreguín, Gustavo Acevedo-Hernández, Erik Tovar-Pérez, Alexandra Stoll, Luis Herrera-Estrella, Alejandra Chacón-López.
Food Research International (2019) 121 586-592.
Filling gaps in our knowledge on the cuticle of mangoes (Mangifera indica) by analyzing six fruit cultivars: Architecture/structure, postharvest physiology and possible resistance to fruit fly (Tephritidae) attack
Carolina Camacho-Vázquez, Eliel Ruiz-May, José A. Guerrero-Analco, José M. Elizalde-Contreras, Erick J. Enciso-Ortiz, Greta Rosas-Saito, Lorena López-Sánchez, Ana L. Kiel-Martínez, Israel Bonilla-Landa, Juan L. Monribot-Villanueva, José L. Olivares-Romero, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Julio C. Tafolla-Arellano, Martín E. Tiznado-Hernandez, Francisco R. Quiroz-Figueroa, Andrea Birke, Martín Aluja.
Postharvest Biology and Technology (2019) 148 83-96.
In vitro colonic fermentation of Mexican “taco” from corn-tortilla and black beans in a Simulator of Human Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME®) system
Alicia Paulina Cárdenas-Castro, Fernanda Bianchi, María Angela Tallarico-Adorno, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Katia Sivieri.
Food Research International (2019) 118 81-88.
Prebiotic effect of predigested mango peel on gut microbiota assessed in a dynamic in vitro model of the human colon (TIM-2)
Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Koen Venema.
Food Research International (2019) 118 89-95.
Bioaccesibilidad y cinética de liberación in vitro de compuestos fenólicos en pulpas de guayaba (Psidium guajava L.) y guanábana (Annona muricata L.)
Francisco J. Blancas-Benitez, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gustavo A. González-Aguilar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas (2019) 22 1-7.
Production, chemical, physical and technological properties of antioxidant dietary fiber from pineapple pomace and effect as ingredient in sausages
Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gabriela Aguilar-Hernández, Aleida Selene Hernández-Cázares, Irving Israel Ruiz-López, Araceli Pérez-Silva, Julián Hernández-Torres, Maria de los Angeles Vivar-Vera.
CYTA - Journal of Food (2018) 16(1) 831-839.
Effects of Minimal Processing Technologies on Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Quality Parameters
Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, Gustavo A. González-Aguilar, J. Abraham Domínguez-Ávila, Jorge E. Olmos-Cornejo, Alejandro Pérez-Larios, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Food and Bioprocess Technology (2018) 11(9) 1761-1774.
Isoelectric focusing, effect of reducing agents and inhibitors: partial characterization of proteases extracted from Bromelia karatas
María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Julián González-Borrayo, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Enrique Rudiño-Piñera, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Jesús Aarón Salazar-Leyva.
Applied Biological Chemistry (2018) 61(4) 459-467.
Effect of pepper tree (Schinus molle) essential oil-loaded chitosan bio-nanocomposites on postharvest control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and quality evaluations in avocado (Persea americana) cv. Hass
Mireya Esbeiddy Chávez-Magdaleno, Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Anelsy Ramos-Guerrero, Maribel Plascencia-Jatomea, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2018) 27(6) 1871-1875.
Effects of two different drying methods (freeze-drying and hot air-drying) on the phenolic and carotenoid profile of ‘Ataulfo’ mango by-products
de Ancos B, Sánchez-Moreno C, Zacarías L, Rodrigo M, Sáyago Ayerdí S, Blancas Benítez F, Domínguez Avila J, González-Aguilar G.
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2018) 12(3) 2145-2157.
Electrochemical characterization of Biodiesel by linear voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
J. Villarreal-Castellon, F.E. Mercader-Trejo, A. Álvarez-López, E.R. Larios-Durán, R. Antaño-López, R. Herrera-Basurto, A. Chacón-López, A. Rodríguez-López, U. López-García.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science (2018) 13 5452–5459.
Optimisation of the spray drying process of formulating the post-harvest biocontrol agent Meyerozyma caribbica
Lizet Aguirre-Güitrón, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2018) 28(6) 574-590.
Use of emerging technologies in the extraction of lupeol, α-amyrin and β-amyrin from sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera L.)
J. A. Ramos-Hernández, M. Calderón-Santoyo, A. Navarro-Ocaña, J. C. Barros-Castillo, J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Journal of Food Science and Technology (2018) 55(7) 2377-2383.
Effect of maltodextrin reduction and native agave fructans addition on the physicochemical properties of spray-dried mango and pineapple juices
Darvin E Jimenez-Sánchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Rosa I Ortiz-Basurto, Pedro U Bautista-Rosales, Juan A Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Food Science and Technology International (2018) 24(6) 519-532.
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Justicia spicigera leaves
Luis Miguel Anaya-Esparza, Dení Ramos-Aguirre, Víctor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Elhadi M. Yahia, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2018) 27(4) 1093-1102.
In vitro evaluation of prebiotic activity, pathogen inhibition and enzymatic metabolism of intestinal bacteria in the presence of fructans extracted from agave: A comparison based on polymerization degree
Ricardo García Gamboa, Rosa Isela Ortiz Basurto, Montserrat Calderón Santoyo, Jorge Bravo Madrigal, Blanca Elizabeth Ruiz Álvarez, Marisela González Avila.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2018) 92 380-387.
In vitro evaluation of the kinetics of the release of phenolic compounds from guava (Psidium guajava L.) fruit
Blancas-Benitez F, Pérez-Jiménez J, Montalvo-González E, González-Aguilar G, Sáyago-Ayerdi S.
Journal of Functional Foods (2018) 43 139-145.
Gut metabolites associated with pH and antioxidant capacity during in vitro colonic fermentation of Mexican corn products
Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Carlos Álvarez-Vidal, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Guadalupe Loarca-Piña, Pedro A. Vázquez-Landaverde, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Cereal Chemistry (2018) 95(3) 399-410.
Identification and characterization of a new Bacillus atrophaeus strain B5 as biocontrol agent of postharvest anthracnose disease in soursop (Annona muricata) and avocado (Persea americana)
Lizeth Guardado-Valdivia, Erik Tovar-Pérez, Alejandra Chacón-López, Ulises López-García, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Alexandra Stoll, Selene Aguilera.
Microbiological Research (2018) 210 26-32.
Use of inductors in the control of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Rhizopus stolonifer isolated from soursop fruits: in vitro tests
Anelsy Ramos-Guerrero, Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Greta Hanako-Rosas, Silvia Bautista-Baños, Gustavo Acevedo-Hernández, Martin Ernesto Tiznado-Hernández, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2018) 27(3) 755-763.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of carotenoids from mango (Mangifera indica L. ‘Ataulfo’) by-products on in vitro bioaccessibility
Gilberto Mercado-Mercado, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gustavo A. González-Aguilar, Emilio Alvarez-Parrilla, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Food Bioscience (2018) 21 125-131.
Corrigendum to Antimicrobial soy protein based coatings: Application to Persian lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) for protection and preservation: <[Postharvest Biology and Technology 132 (2017) 138–144]>
Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Pascale Chalier, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Dilara Konuk, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Postharvest Biology and Technology (2018) 137 149.
In vitro human colonic fermentation of indigestible fraction isolated from lunch menus: impact on the gut metabolites and antioxidant capacity
Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Alicia Paulina Cárdenas-Castro, Efigenia Montalvo-González, María Guadalupe Flavia Loarca-Piña, Vázquez-Landaverde Pedro Alberto, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (2018) 69(9) 718-728.
Determination of potentially mycotoxigenic fungi in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) from Nayarit
Paloma Patricia Casas-Junco, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Felipe de Jesus Ascencio-Valle, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2018) 27(3) 891-898.
Interactions between four common plant-derived phenolic acids and pectin, and its effect on antioxidant capacity
J. Abraham Domínguez Avila, Mónica A. Villegas Ochoa, Emilio Alvarez Parrilla, Efigenia Montalvo González, Gustavo A. González Aguilar.
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2018) 12(2) 992-1004.
Enzyme activity and partial characterization of proteases obtained from Bromelia karatas fruit and compared with Bromelia pinguin proteases
Libier Meza-Espinoza, Maria de los Angeles Vivar-Vera, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Alejandra Chacón-López, Eduardo M. Becerrea-Verdín, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Food Science and Biotechnology (2018) 27(2) 509-517.
Antimicrobial soy protein isolate-based films: physical characterisation, active agent retention and antifungal properties against Penicillium italicum
Ramsés R. González-Estrada, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Juan A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, Stephane Peyron, Pascale Chalier.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2018) 53(4) 921-929.
Use of nonthermal technologies in the production of functional beverages from vegetable ingredients to preserve heat‐labile phytochemicals
J. Abraham Domínguez Avila, Abraham Wall Medrano, Cinthya A. Ruiz Pardo, Efigenia Montalvo González, Gustavo A. González Aguilar.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2018) 42(2).
Application of high hydrostatic pressure on Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pâté: Microbiological, physicochemical and consumer acceptance
JA Ragazzo-Sánchez, Q Gutiérrez-Sánchez, JA Ramírez-de-León, RI Ortiz-Basurto, M Calderón-Santoyo.
Food Science and Technology International (2018) 24(8) 713-723.
Energy requirements and production cost of the spray drying process of cheese whey
Alfredo Domínguez-Niño, Denis Cantú-Lozano, Juan A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, Isaac Andrade-González, Guadalupe Luna-Solano.
Drying Technology (2018) 36(5) 597-608.
Annona muricata: A comprehensive review on its traditional medicinal uses, phytochemicals, pharmacological activities, mechanisms of action and toxicity
Ana V. Coria-Téllez, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Elhadi M. Yahia, Eva N. Obledo-Vázquez.
Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2018) 11(5) 662-691.
Nutrimental composition and physicochemical parameters of thermosonicated soursop nectar
Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, María D. Méndez-Robles, Alejandro Pérez-Larios, Elhadi M. Yahia, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
TIP Rev.Esp.Cienc.Quím.Biol (2018) 21(1) 5-13.
Efecto de la extracción asistida por ultrasonido en la liberación y bioaccesibilidad in vitro de carotenoides, en bebidas elaboradas con mango (Mangifera indica L.) ‘Ataulfo’
Gilberto Mercado Mercado, Verónica López Teros, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gustavo A González-Aguilar, Emilio Alvarez Parrilla, Sonia G Sáyago Ayerdi.
Nova Scientia (2018) 10(20) 100.
Evaluación de la capacidad de inhibición de hemólisis oxidativa y actividad antimicrobiana de fracciones peptídicas obtenidas de la hidrólisis de proteínas de huevo, leche y soya usando proteasas extraídas de Bromelia pinguin y Bromelia karatas
Selene Aguilera-Aguirre, Libier Meza-Espinoza, Adrián Hernández-Mendoza, Belinda Vallejo-Córdoba, Aarón F. González-Córdova, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas (2018) 21.
Effect of the application of inducers on soursop fruit (Annona muricata L.): Postharvest disease control, physiological behaviour and activation of defense systems
Anelsy Ramos-Guerrero, Ramsés R. González-Estrada, Efigenia M-González, Patricia Miranda-Castro, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2018) 30(12) 1019-1025.
Una región interpromotora incrementa la transcripción del gen argK, que codifica para la ornitina carbamoiltransferasa resistente a la faseolotoxina en Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola
José Luis Hernández-Flores, Ariel Álvarez-Morales, Susana De la Torre-Zavala, Laura Hernández-Soriano, Alejandra Chacón-López, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Selene Aguilera.
TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas (2018) 21.
Effect of chitosan-pepper tree (Schinus molle) essential oil biocomposites on the growth kinetics, viability and membrane integrity of colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Chávez-Magdaleno M, Luque-Alcaraz A, Gutiérrez-Martínez P, Cortez-Rocha M, Burgos-Hernández A, Lizardi-Mendoza J, Plascencia-Jatomea M.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Quimica (2018) 17(1) 29-45.
Antioxidant capacity of egg, milk and soy protein hydrolysates and biopeptides produced by Bromelia pinguin and Bromelia karatas-derived proteases
Meza-Espinoza L, Sáyago-Ayerdi S, García-Magaña M, Tovar-Pérez E, Yahia E, Vallejo-Cordoba B, González-Córdova A, Hernández-Mendoza A, Montalvo-González E.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2018) 30(2) 122-130.
Antibrowning agents added in polymeric coating applied to avocado fruit slices
Mendoza-Gómez Violeta, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Darvin Ervey Jimenez-Sánchez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Interciencia (2017) 42(12) 812-817.
Microencapsulation of Eugenia uniflora L. juice by spray drying using fructans with different degrees of polymerisation
R.I. Ortiz-Basurto, M.E. Rubio-Ibarra, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, C.I. Beristain, M. Jiménez-Fernández.
Carbohydrate Polymers (2017) 175 603-609.
Control of blue mold decay on Persian lime: Application of covalently cross-linked arabinoxylans bioactive coatings with antagonistic yeast entrapped
R.R. González-Estrada, E. Carvajal-Millán, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, P.U. Bautista-Rosales, M. Calderón-Santoyo.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2017) 85 187-196.
Effect of Addition of Native Agave Fructans on Spray-Dried Chayote (Sechium edule) and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Juices: Rheology, Microstructure, and Water Sorption
Darvin E. Jimenez-Sánchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Laetitia Picart-Palmade, Guadalupe Luna-Solano, Rosa I. Ortiz-Basurto, Pedro U. Bautista-Rosales, Juan A. Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Food and Bioprocess Technology (2017) 10(11) 2069-2080.
Antimicrobial soy protein based coatings: Application to Persian lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) for protection and preservation
Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Pascale Chalier, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Dilara Konuk, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Postharvest Biology and Technology (2017) 132 138-144.
In Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Crude Extracts and Acetogenin Fraction of Soursop Fruit Pulp
León-Fernández AE, Sáyago-Ayerdi SG, Yahia E, Montalvo-González E.
Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta (2017) 08(06).
Nutritional characteristics and bioactive compound content of guava purees and their effect on biochemical markers of hyperglycemic and hypercholesterolemic rats
Yolanda E. Pérez-Beltrán, Eduardo Mendeleev Becerra-Verdín, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Nuria E. Rocha-Guzmán, Emma G. García-López, Alfonso Castañeda-Martínez, Rubén Montalvo-González, Cristian Rodríguez-Aguayo, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Journal of Functional Foods (2017) 35 447-457.
Transcriptomic Analysis of Avocado Hass (Persea americana Mill) in the Interaction System Fruit-Chitosan-Colletotrichum
Luis-Ángel Xoca-Orozco, Esther Angélica Cuellar-Torres, Sandra González-Morales, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Ulises López-García, Luis Herrera-Estrella, Julio Vega-Arreguín, Alejandra Chacón-López.
Frontiers in Plant Science (2017) 8 956.
Are biological control agents, isolated from tropical fruits, harmless to potential consumers?
Iris Betsabee Ocampo-Suarez, Zaira López, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Peter Knauth.
Food and Chemical Toxicology (2017) 109 1055-1062.
Effect of thermosonication on pathogenic bacteria, quality attributes and stability of soursop nectar during cold storage
Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, María D. Méndez-Robles, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Marco V. Ramírez-Mares, Jorge A. Sánchez-Burgos, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
CyTA - Journal of Food (2017) 15(4) 592-600.
Changes in the nutritional quality of five Mangifera species harvested at two maturity stages
Barbosa Gámez I, Caballero Montoya K, Ledesma N, Sáyago Ayerdi S, García Magaña M, Bishop von Wettberg E, Montalvo-González E.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2017) 97(14) 4987-4994.
Editorial overview: Food chemistry and biochemistry: An overview in advances of functionality in carbohydrates of new generation, new perspective for microbial bioactive peptides, polyphenols and dietary fiber
Sonia G Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Current Opinion in Food Science (2017) 13 89-90.
Polyphenols associated with dietary fibers in plant foods: molecular interactions and bioaccessibility
Gustavo A González-Aguilar, Francisco J Blancas-Benítez, Sonia G Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Current Opinion in Food Science (2017) 13 84-88.
Microbial metabolites profile during in vitro human colonic fermentation of breakfast menus consumed by Mexican school children
Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Guadalupe Loarca-Piña, Pedro Alberto Vázquez-Landaverde, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Food Research International (2017) 97 7-14.
Evaluation of emerging methods on the polyphenol content, antioxidant capacity and qualitative presence of acetogenins in soursop pulp (Annona muricata L.)
Andrés Eloy León Fernández, Andrés Eloy León Fernández, Eva Noemí Obledo-Vázquez, Eva Noemí Obledo-Vázquez, Maria de los Angeles Vivar-Vera, Maria de los Angeles Vivar-Vera, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago Ayerdi, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago Ayerdi, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (2017) 39(spe).
Thermosonication: An alternative processing for fruit and vegetable juices
Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, Rita M. Velázquez-Estrada, Artur X. Roig, Hugo S. García-Galindo, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Trends in Food Science and Technology (2017) 61 26-37.
Voltammetric and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study of Prussian Blue/Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Films on Optically Transparent Electrodes
P. F. Méndez, J.R. López, U. López-García, J. Manríquez, C. Frontana, F. J. Rodríguez, Luis A. Godínez.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2017) 164(2) H85-H90.
Optimization of nanoemulsions processed by high-pressure homogenization to protect a bioactive extract of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam)
Gabriela Ruiz-Montañez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Laetitia Picart-Palmade, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Dominique Chevalier-Lucia.
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (2017) 40 35-41.
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the polyphenols and antioxidant activity of plantain pulp (Musa paradisiaca AAB)
Miriam C Jiménez-Martínez, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Sonia G Sáyago-Ayerdi, Gilberto Mercado-Mercado, José A Ramírez-de León, Ernestina Paz-Gamboa, Maria A Vivar-Vera.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2017) 97(8) 2508-2515.
Effect of thermosonication on polyphenol oxidase inactivation and quality parameters of soursop nectar
Luis M. Anaya-Esparza, Rita M. Velázquez-Estrada, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Jorge A. Sánchez-Burgos, Marco Vinicio Ramírez-Mares, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2017) 75 545-551.
Optimization of Ultrasonic‐Assisted Extraction of Antioxidant Compounds from Starfruit (Averroha carambola L) Leaves
Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Mitsuky Soraya Serafín-García, Jorge Alberto Sánchez-Burgos, Rita María Velázquez Estrada, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2017) 41(4).
Development of reduced‐fat cheeses with the addition of Agave fructans
Diana R Palatnik, Pamela Aldrete Herrera, Ana N Rinaldoni, Rosa I Ortiz Basurto, Mercedes E Campderrós.
International Journal of Dairy Technology (2017) 70(2) 212-219.
Jorge Alberto Osuna-García, I. Cáceres-Morales, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca, Beatriz Tovar-Gómez.
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura (2017) 13(2) 157-163.
Combined effect of the application of 1-MCP and different edible coatings on the fruit quality of jackfruit bulbs (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) during cold storage
Apolonio Vargas-Torres, Annel S. Becerra-Loza, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Heidi María Palma-Rodríguez, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Scientia Horticulturae (2017) 214 221-227.
Dietary patterns, nutritional profile, and body mass index in Mexican schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Guadalupe Flavia Loarca-Piña, Alejandra Martina Chacón-López, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion (2017) 67(1) 6-14.
Guava purees with addition of agave fructans and natural sweeteners as potential functional products
García-López, E. G., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S. G., Vivar-Vera, M. L. A., García-Magaña, M. L., Aldrate-Herrera, P. I., Montalvo-González, E..
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (2017) 56(3) 265-276.
Use of a marine yeast as a biocontrol agent of the novel pathogen Penicillium citrinum on Persian lime
Ramsés Ramón González-Estrada, Felipe de Jesus Ascencio-Valle, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (2017) 29(2) 114-122.
In vitro response of Colletotrichum to chitosan. Effect on incidence and quality on tropical fruit. Enzymatic expression in mango
Gutiérrez-Martínez P, Bautista-Baños S, Berúmen-Varela G, Ramos-Guerrero A, Hernández-Ibañez A.
Acta Agronomica (2017) 66(2).
Aspectos etnobotánicos, nutricionales y actividad biológica de extractos de frutos del género Bromelia
Libier Meza-Espinoza, María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Maria de los Angeles Vivar-Vera, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Alejandra Chacón-López, Eduardo M. Becerrea-Verdín, Ma. Dolores Muy-Rangel, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana (2017) 40(4) 425-437.
Data on enterobacteria activity on biofilm formation at surface mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.) cv Ataulfo
Juan A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, Ramsés R. González-Estrada, Martha A. Santana-Martínez, María del Carmen Wacher-Rodarte, Carlos A. Eslava-Campos, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Data in Brief (2016) 9 746-748.
Induced resistance to control postharvest decay of fruit and vegetables
Gianfranco Romanazzi, Simona Marianna Sanzani, Yang Bi, Shiping Tian, Porfirio Gutiérrez Martínez, Noam Alkan.
Postharvest Biology and Technology (2016) 122 82-94.
Quality and stability of concentrated guava puree added with hibiscus sabdariffa extract
Chávez-Tapia, A. M., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S. G., García-Galindo, H. S., García-Magaña, M. L., González-Aguilar, G. A., Montalvo-González, E..
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (2016) 55(2) 131-140.
Potential use of dietary fibre from Hibiscus sabdariffa and Agave tequilana in obesity management
Gabriel Moyano, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Carlota Largo, Victor Caz, Monica Santamaria, Maria Tabernero.
Journal of Functional Foods (2016) 21 1-9.
Maria E. Páez-Peñuñuri, Gilberto Mercado-Mercado, Francisco J. Blancas-Benitez, Rahel B. Villegas-González, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Biotecnia (2016) 18(1) 10.
Quality attributes and particles deposition of spray dried fructans of blue agave juice | Atributos de calidad y deposición de partículas del secado por aspersión del jugo de agave azul
A. Chávez-Rodríguez, V.S. Farias-Cervantes, G. Luna-Solano, A.M. Chávez-Rodríguez, R.I. Ortíz-Basulto, I. Andrade-González.
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera Quimica (2016) 15(2) 493-502.,%20No.%202/Alim9/Alim9.html
Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on ataulfo mangoe maturation under simulated conditions for export to Europe
Loretta Z. Ortiz-Franco, Anaid Z. Ramírez-Villa, Lilian J. Cervantes-Mojica, Ma. Dolores Muy-Rangel, Miguel A. Gómez-Lim, H. Sergio García-Galindo, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana (2016) 39(3) 305-316.
Nutritional composition in 20 improved Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) varieties grown in México
Zayda N. Duarte-Valenzuela, Víctor M. Zamora-Gasga, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana (2016) 39(3) 199-206.
Bioaccessibility of polyphenols released and associated to dietary fibre in calyces and decoction residues of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Gilberto Mercado-Mercado, Francisco J. Blancas-Benitez, Gustavo R. Velderrain-Rodríguez, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gustavo A. González-Aguilar, Emilio Alvarez-Parrilla, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Journal of Functional Foods (2015) 18 171-181.
Covalently Cross-Linked Arabinoxylans Films for Debaryomyces hansenii Entrapment
Ramsés González-Estrada, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Elizabeth Carvajal-Millan, Felipe De Jesús Ascencio Valle, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Francisco Brown-Bojorquez, Agustín Rascón-Chu.
Molecules (2015) 20(6) 11373-11386.
Addition of dried 'Ataulfo' mango (Mangifera indica L) by-products as a source of dietary fiber and polyphenols in starch molded mango snacks
Blancas-Benítez, F.J., Avena-Bustillos, R. J., Carl, O.W., Montalvo-González, E., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G., Hugh T.
Journal of Food Science and Technology (2015) 52(11) 7393-7400.
Nutritional properties and phenolic content of a bakery product substituted with a mango (Mangifera indica) 'Ataulfo' processing by-product
James Ramírez-Maganda, Francisco J Blancas-Benítez, Victor M Zamora-Gasga, Ma Lourdes García-Magaña, Luis A Bello-Pérez, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Food Research International (2015) 73 117-123.
Bioaccesibility of polyphenols associated to dietary fiber and in vitro kinetics release of polyphenols in Mexican 'Ataulfo' mango (Mangifera indica L) by-products
Blancas-Benítez, F.J., Gilberto Mercado-Mercado, Ana E Quirós-Sauceda, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Gustavo A González-Aguilar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Food & Function (2015) 6(3) 859-868.
Screening antimutagenic and antiproliferative properties of extracts isolated from Jackfruit pulp (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam)
G. Ruiz-Montañez, A. Burgos-Hernández, M. Calderón-Santoyo, C.M. López-Saiz, C.A. Velázquez-Contreras, A. Navarro-Ocaña, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Food Chemistry (2015) 175 409-416.
In vitro colonic fermentation of food ingredients isolated from Agave tequilana Weber var. azul applied on granola bars
Victor Manuel Zamora-Gasga, Guadalupe Loarca-Piña, Pedro Alberto Vázquez-Landaverde, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
LWT-Food Science and Technology (2015) 60(2) 766-772.
Postharvest evaluation of Goldfinger banana (FHIA-01) at different storage temperatures followed by an acclimation time
Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Rosa Cristina Avila-Peña, Dharini Sivakumar, Silvia Bautista-Baños.
Fruits (2015) 70 173-179.
Efecto del quitosano en la inducción de resistencia contra Colletotrichum sp. en mango ( Mangifera indica L.) cv. Tommy Atkins
Guillermo Berumen Varela, Leonardo Daniel Coronado Partida, Verónica Alhelí Ochoa Jiménez, Martina Alejandra Chacón López, Porfirio Gutiérrez Martínez.
Investigación y Ciencia (2015) 23(66) 16-21.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mixed Culture of Blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius L.) Juice: Synergism in the Aroma Compounds Production
Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez, Gabriela Ruiz-Montañez, Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Guadalupe Luna-Solano, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo.
Scientific World Journal (2014) 2014.
Added dietary fiber reduces the antioxidant capacity of phenolic compounds extracted from tropical fruit
Ana Elena Quirós-Sauceda, Jesús Fernando Ayala-Zavala, Sonia Guadalupe Sáyago-Ayerdi, Rosabel Vélez-de La Rocha, Adriana Sañudo-Barajas, Gustavo Adolfo González-Aguilar.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (2014) 87 227-233.
Biocontrol action mechanisms of Cryptococcus laurentii on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides of mango
Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Rosalía Servín-Villegas, Norma Angélica Ochoa-Álvarez, Ricardo Vázquez-Juárez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Crop Protection (2014) 65 194-201.
Effect of the Application of 1-Methylcyclopropene and Wax Emulsions on Proximate Analysis and Some Antioxidants of Soursop (Annona muricata L.)
Cristina L. Moreno-Hernández, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Hugo S. García-Galindo, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Scientific World Journal (2014) 2014.
An improved, low-cost, hydroponic system for growing Arabidopsis and other plant species under aseptic conditions
Fulgencio Alatorre-Cobos, Carlos Calderón-Vázquez, Lenin Yong-Villalobos, Claudia-Anahí Pérez-Torres, Araceli Oropeza-Aburto, Alfonso Méndez-Bravo, Sandra-Isabel González-Morales, Dolores Gutiérrez-Alanís, Alejandra Chacón-López, Betsy-Anaid Peña-Ocaña, Luis Herrera-Estrella.
BMC Plant Biology (2014) 14(1) 69.
Evaluation of extraction methods for preparative scale obtention of mangiferin and lupeol from mango peels (Mangifera indica L.)
G. Ruiz-Montañez, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, M. Calderón-Santoyo, G. Velázquez-de la Cruz, J.A. Ramírez de León, A. Navarro-Ocaña.
Food Chemistry (2014) 159 267-272.
Optimization of Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul Juice Spray Drying Process
Alejandra Chávez-Rodríguez, Irma G. López-Muraira, Juan F. Goméz-Leyva, Guadalupe Luna-Solano, Rosa I. Ortíz-Basurto, Isaac Andrade-González.
Journal of Chemistry (2014) 2014 1-10.
Assessment of agave fructans as lyoprotectants of bovine plasma proteins concentrated by ultrafiltration
Laura T. Rodriguez Furlán, Pamela Aldrete Herrera, Antonio Pérez Padilla, Rosa I. Ortiz Basurto, Mercedes E. Campderrós.
Food Research International (2014) 56 146-158.
Granola bars prepared with Agave tequilana ingredients: Chemical composition and in vitro starch hydrolysis
Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, Rosa I. Ortiz-Basurto, Juscelino Tovar, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2014) 56(2) 309-314.
By‐product from decoction process of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces as a source of polyphenols and dietary fiber
Sonia G Sáyago-Ayerdi, Carolina Velázquez-López, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Isabel Goñi.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2014) 94(5) 898-904.
Starch digestibility and predicted glycaemic index (pGI) in starchy foods consumed in Mexico
Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Juscelino Tovar, Victor M. Zamora-Gasga, Luis A. Bello-Pérez.
Starch/Staerke (2014) 66(1-2) 91-101.
Uso combinado de 1-Meticiclopropeno y emulsiones de cera en la conservación de guanábana (Annona muricata)
Efigenia Montalvo González, Andrés Eloy León Fernández, Hernani Rea Paez, Miguel Mata Montes de Oca, Beatriz Tovar Gómez.
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (2014) 36(spe1) 296-304.
Effects of consuming diets containing Agave tequilana dietary fibre and jamaica calyces on body weight gain and redox status in hypercholesterolemic rats
Sáyago-Ayerdi, S.G., Raquel Mateos, Rosa I. Ortiz-Basurto, Carlota Largo, José Serrano, Ana Belén Granado-Serrano, Beatriz Sarriá, Laura Bravo, María Tabernero.
Food Chemistry (2014) 148 54-59.
Evaluation of antifungal activity of chitosan in Alternaria alternata and in the quality of “tommy atkins” mango during storage Evaluación de la actividad antifúngica del quitosano en Alternaria alternata y en la calidad del mango ‘tommy atkins’ durante el almacenamiento
Laura Ibeth López-Mora, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Silvia Bautista-Baños, Luis Felipe Jiménez-García, H. A. Zavaleta-Mancera.
Revista Chapingo, Serie Horticultura (2013) 19(3) 315-331.
Monitoring of Lactic Fermentation with a Coupling Electronic Nose and Gas Chromatography
M. Calderón-Santoyo, P. Bautista-Rosales, G. Luna-Solano, C. Ghommidh, J. Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Engineering (2013) 5(9A) 13-19.
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on antioxidant content of 'Ataulfo' mango during postharvest maturation
Viviana Guadalupe Ortega, José Alberto Ramírez, Gonzalo Velázquez, Beatriz Tovar, Miguel Mata, Efigenia Montalvo.
Food Science and Technology (2013) 33(3) 561-568.
Vacuum membrane distillation: Modeling and analysis for recovery of ethanol from ethanol/water solutions
Omar-Andrés Benavides-Prada, César-Augusto Guevara-Lastre, Fredy-Wsvaldo Barón-Núñez, Crisóstomo Barajas-Ferreira, Rosa-Isela Ortiz-Basurto, Beatriz Torrestiana-Sánchez, Carlos-Jesús Muvdi-Nova.
CTyF - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro (2013) 5(2) 47-60.
Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead in Mango Orchards of Nayarit, Mexico, and Relationship with Environmental and Agronomic Factors
P. U. Bautista-Rosales, J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, M. Calderón-Santoyo, E. Cortéz-Mondaca, R. Servín-Villegas.
(2013) 38(2) 221-230.
Functional Properties and Dietary Fiber Characterization of Mango Processing By-products (Mangifera indica L., cv Ataulfo and Tommy Atkins)
María de Lourdes García-Magaña, Hugo S. García, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2013) 68(3) 254–258.
Comparative Study of Anthocyanin and Volatile Compounds Content of Four Varieties of Mexican Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) by Multivariable Analysis
G. A. Camelo-Méndez, J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, A. R. Jiménez-Aparicio, P. E. Vanegas-Espinoza, O. Paredes-López, A. A. Del Villar-Martínez.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2013) 68(3) 229-234.
Action mechanisms of the yeast Meyerozyma caribbica for the control of the phytopathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in mangoes
Pedro Ulises Bautista-Rosales, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Rosalía Servín-Villegas, Norma Angélica Ochoa-Álvarez, Juan Arturo Ragazzo-Sanchez.
Biological Control (2013) 65(3) 293-301.
Mexican ‘Ataulfo’ mango (Mangifera indica L) as a source of hydrolyzable tannins. Analysis by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS
Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi, Cristina L. Moreno-Hernández, Efigenia Montalvo-González, Ma Lourdes García-Magaña, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca, Josep Lluís Torres, Jara Pérez-Jiménez.
Food Research International (2013) 51(1) 188-194.
Physiological and Physicochemical Behavior of Soursop Fruits Refrigerated with 1‐Methylcyclopropene
I. Espinosa, R.I. Ortiz, B. Tovar, M. Mata, E. Montalvo.
Journal of Food Quality (2013) 36(1) 10-20.
Fluidized Bed Drying Process of miniflakes banana (Musa acuminata)
M Calderón-Santoyo, JA López-Hurtado, G Luna-Solano, PU Bautista-Rosales, JA Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Biotecnia (2013) 15(2) 1665-1456.
Review: Molecular analysis in prickly pear ripening: An overview
Juan Campos-Guillén, Julio Alfonso Cruz-Medina, Xóchitl Pastrana-Martínez, Ramón G. Guevara-González, Irineo Torres-Pacheco, Candelario Mondragón-Jacobo, Porfirio Gutiérrez-Martínez, Stefan de Folter, Andrés Cruz-Hernández.
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences (2012) 60(3) 349-357.
Efecto de las altas presiones hidrostáticas en la fisiología postcosecha del mango ‘Ataulfo’
D.R. Álvarez-Virrueta, E.G. García-López, E. Montalvo-González, J.A. Ramírez, M. Mata-Montes-de-Oca, B. Tovar-Gómez.
CyTA - Journal of Food (2012) 10(3) 173-181.
Effect of ripeness stage of mango fruit (Mangifera indica L., cv. Ataulfo) on physiological parameters and antioxidant activity
H. Palafox-Carlos, E. Yahia, M.A. Islas-Osuna, P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, M. Robles-Sánchez, G.A. González-Aguilar.
Scientia Horticulturae (2012) 135 7-13.
Influence of ethanol and heat on disease control and quality in stored mango fruits
P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, S.G. Osuna-López, M. Calderón-Santoyo, A. Cruz-Hernández, S. Bautista-Baños.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2012) 45(1).
Fluidized Bed Drying Process of Thinly Sliced Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Araceli Lozano-Acevedo, Maribel Jiménez-Fernández, Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Galo R. Urrea-Garcia, Guadalupe Luna-Solano.
American Journal of Potato Research (2011) 88(4) 360-366.
Fluidized bed and tray drying of thinly sliced mango (Mangifera indica) pretreated with ascorbic and citric acid
Juliana Villegas-Santiago, Montserrat Calderón-Santoyo, Arturo Ragazzo-Sánchez, Marco Antonio Salgado-Cervantes, Guadalupe Luna-Solano.
International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2011) 46(6) 1296-1302.
Efecto de la luz en ciruela mexicana manejada en diferentes condiciones de almacenamiento Effect of light on Mexican plum stored under different storage conditions
E. Montalvo-González, H. S. García, M. Mata-Montes de Oca, B. Tovar-Gómez.
CyTA - Journal of Food (2011) 9(1) 65-70.
Isolation and characterization of Mexican jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L) seeds starch in two mature stages
Deyanira L. Madrigal-Aldana, Beatriz Tovar-Gómez, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca, Sonia G. Sáyago-Ayerdi.
Starch/Staerke (2011) 63(6) 364-372.
Resistant starch in common starchy foods as an alternative to increase dietary fibre intake
Sáyago-Ayerdi, S. G., Tovar, J., Blancas-Benítez, F. J., Bello-Pérez, L. A.
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (2011) 50(1) 1-12.
Effect of wax emulsions and 1-Methylcyclpropene on soursop fruit postharvest conservation
Beatriz Tovar-Gómez, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca, Hugo Sergio García-Galindo, Efigenia Montalvo-González.
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura (2011) 17(4) 53-61.
Ripening response of stored black Sigatoka-resistant banana fruits, to external application of ethylene
P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, R. C. Avila-Pena, S. Bautista-Banos.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality (2010) 83(2) 118-122.
Inhibition of Salmonella spp. isolated from mango using bacteriocin-like produced by lactobacilli Inhibición de Salmonella spp. aislada de mango usando sustancias tipo bacteriocinas producidas por lactobacilos
J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, L. Sanchez-Prado, P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, G. Luna-Solano, B. Gomez-Gil, M. Calderón-Santoyo.
CYTA - Journal of Food (2009) 7(3) 181-187.
Off-flavours detection in alcoholic beverages by electronic nose coupled to GC
J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, P. Chalier, D. Chevalier-Lucia, M. Calderón-Santoyo, C. Ghommidh.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2009) 140(1) 29-34.
Changes of sugars, β-carotene and firmness of refrigerated Ataulfo mangoes treated with exogenous ethylene
E. Montalvo, Y. Adame, H. S. García, B. Tovar, M. Mata.
Journal of Agricultural Science (2009) 147(2) 193-199.
Effect of exogenous ethylene on degreening of 'Poblano' pepper postharvest | Efecto del etileno exógeno sobre la desverdización del chile 'Poblano' en poscosecha
Efigenia Montalvo-González, N. G. González-Espinoza, Hugo Sergio García-Galindo, Beatriz Tovar-Gómez, Miguel Mata-Montes de Oca.
(2009) .
Optimization of Vegetal Pear Drying Using Response Surface Methodology
J. M. Pérez-Francisco, R. Cerecero-Enríquez, I. Andrade-González, J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, G. Luna-Solano.
Drying Technology (2008) 26(11) 1401-1405.
Identification of different alcoholic beverages by electronic nose coupled to GC
J. A. Ragazzo-Sánchez, P. Chalier, D. Chevalier-Lucia, M. Calderón-Santoyo, C. Ghommidh.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2008) 134(1) 43-48.
Discrimination of eight varieties of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) by electronic nose, LLE and SPME using GC–MS and multivariate analysis
H.M. Solís-Solís, M. Calderón-Santoyo, P. Gutiérrez-Martínez, S. Schorr-Galindo, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical (2007) 125(2) 415-421.
Characterization of aroma potential of apricot varieties using different extraction techniques
H.M. Solís-Solís, M. Calderón-Santoyo, S. Schorr-Galindo, G. Luna-Solano, J.A. Ragazzo-Sánchez.
Food Chemistry (2007) 105(2) 2007-02-08.
Application of exogenous ethylene on postharvest ripening of refrigerated ‘Ataulfo’ mangoes
Efigenia Montalvo, Hugo S. García, Beatriz Tovar, Miguel Mata.
LWT - Food Science and Technology (2007) 40(8) 1466-1472.